I love happy endings!
Thank you for stopping by! I'm a self-described hopeless romantic who loves happy endings—no matter how cheesy or impossible they might actually be. I consider myself very lucky to have married my very own prince charming. When I'm not writing, I'm putting my degrees in psychology to use by teaching college students. You can also find me and my prince gallivanting the world’s beaches whenever we can get away. I find much inspiration from the water.
I've had stories rattling around in my head for some time. I just did nothing with them. My wonderful husband encouraged me to get them out there. I've sincerely enjoyed the experience self-publishing has given me to share my stories with you. I have to thank him for his support every day. Check out the tabs above for links to the eBooks, Reviews, and even order signed copies.
Most recently, I received recognition for several of my books! Check out under News and Events!
Find me on social media! I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads! Come chat with me there.
Until then, back to writing! Happy reading!
H. Elizabeth